
Mac用のRAIDドライブとして定評のあるPROMISE Pegasusですが、スクリプトを用いて、ステータスを監視したりしたい場合があります。




server001:~ user$ promiseutil
Promise Utility
Version: 3.18.0000.36 Build Date: Apr 21, 2014

List available RAID HBAs and Subsystems
Type # Model Alias WWN Seq
hba 1 * Pegasus R6 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 1
hba 2 Pegasus R6 xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 2

Totally 2 HBA(s) and 0 Subsystem(s)

The row with ‘*’ sign refers the current working HBA/Subsystem path
To change the current HBA/Subsystem path, you may use the following command:

spath -a chgpath -t hba|subsys -p

Type help or ? to display all the available commands

cliib> ?
Commands are designed in the following format:

The following commands are supported:

about View utility information.
array View or edit array information. Create, edit or delete a new or existing array. Create, edit or delete logical drives in an existing array. To physically locate an array in an enclosure. Accept an incomplete array condition.
battery View battery information or to recondition a battery.
bbm View or clear the BBM defect list of the specified configured physical drive.
bga View status of all current background activities. Enable or disable relevant background activities. Modify the background task rate for each of the background tasks.
buzz View buzzer status, enable/disable and turn on/off buzzer.
checktable View logical drive error tables.
clone View logical drive clone status and progress. Start, stop a clone.
config For express or automatic configuration. For advanced configuration please see the ‘array’ command.
ctrl View or edit controller information and settings.
date View or edit system time.
enclosure View or edit enclosure and SEP information and settings. Locate an enclosure via LEDs.
event View or clear events logs
export Export files to remote tftp host.
factorydefaults Restore settings to factory defaults.
init View logical drive initialization status and progress. Start, stop, pause or resume an initialization or a quick initialization.
logdrv View or edit logical drive information and settings. Locate a logical drive via LEDs.
migrate Start and monitor disk array migration process.
mp View media patrol status and progress. Start, stop, pause, or resume media patrol.
pdm View PDM status and progress. Start, stop, pause, or resume PDM process.
phydrv View or edit physical drive information and settings. Locate a physical drive via LEDs.
ptiflash Update system software and firmware through local host.
rc View redundancy check status and progress. Start, stop, pause or resume redundancy check.
rb View rebuild status and progress. Start, stop, pause, or resume a rebuild process.
sc View spare check status. Start spare check.
smart S.M.A.R.T diagnostic for physical drives.
spare Create or modify hot spare drives.
spath Discover and change subsystem path.
stats View or reset statistics.
subsys View or edit subsystem information and settings.
sync View logical drive synchronization status and progress.
topology View SAS topology, the physical connections and device information. For products that support multiple enclosures only.
transit View transition status and progress. Start, stop, pause, or resume a transition process.
help When used alone will display this menu. When used in conjunction with a command (e.g.: help array) it will display help information for that particular command.
? This can be used in place of the help command or optionally can be used as a switch for a command such as array -? to provide command usage



Not all extended keys are supported. However, BACKSPACE and the left and right arrow keys can be used for command line editing. In addition, the up and down arrow keys will allow scrolling through the command history buffer.

If context specific help is needed, each command has a -h option that will provide help for that command. It is also possible to use the format HELP to get context sensitive help. Each command also has a -? option to provide usage of the command.

Each command when used alone, such as “array” will display a summary of relevant information. If more information is desired, the -v verbose mode can
be used. This will provide information for all relevant aspects of that command.

Usage terminology is as follows:
[square braces] depict an optional switch
depict user input

Type ” | more” at the end of each command, to display info page by page.
